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Sometime in March, I began to question if Corona will change the way Behavourial Science scripts new chapters. Chapters that may change the ...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Where is Innocence?

Times have changed from being free and upright to be politically and socially right. 
We may claim that we have moved into a free world. 
In reality, we are chained to public opinion, and the aspirations to gain name! To evolve becomes such a huge pain.


  1. u asked where is innocence? look at the new born baby...u will soak into the ocean of innocence.

    1. Thanks Nina. Indeed as you have just seen that in full. At a larger world level, also See my new post - Child Born. There are people who can get as insensitive.

  2. In order to be free, we must let others be free. We are having a hard time doing that and are slowly losing our freedom as a result.


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