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Monday, August 24, 2015

China is not an ant against the USA

Doomsayers will cough, sniff and sneeze about China.

Hello, China is a just a great manufacturing centre. No more. Manufacturing to the patent, designs, benchmarks and standards established by the larger global players - mostly American. Willing to match the best prices and working hard to beat their own instincts to compromise with the quality of their produce.

Inherently China is not the trend setter in technology, designs, innovations or building new products. That is the first test of an industry enabler that they fail.

Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen or Hangzhou could have grown a hundred times in the last decade or so to have the top world infrastructure, but ask the top multinationals or global companies if they will want to have their world top executives to be placed in a corporate headquarter in those Chinese corridors and give up the multi lingual, multi culture and multi racial hubs of Houston, New York or San Francisco. They won't as Asia is at least century away from turning into a global milieu.

The economists have caused more confusion by making GDP a functional representation based on purchasing power, or, simply the PPP based GDP. Having a billion people with the first half hungry for food and another half hungry for leadership industry engagements does not make an economy great, large or enormous. The power of an economy is directly related to how it leads and transforms economic activities.

The power to buy enormously and the ability to sell efficiently across markets and geographies is a sophisticated art mastered by the Americans at a level that will have several blanks before its closest next ranker. For most economies, it may require a few generations, at the least to learn, adopt and follow the American practice consistently.

The ability to cut across emotions, inhibitions and moods decisively in favour of decisions based on facts, data, information and deep research is almost a US patent, inherent in the American spirit to make business work against challenges or changing market curves.

A rising China has developed sizeable investors, not yearning entrepreneurs. Even Korea has more established world brands than China has. And China is almost devoid of a local brand that is moving globally.

The swelling pockets of the Chinese investors is emptying more in the real estate of the North America than driving into wealth building industries.

The highest educational and research investments by American Institutions continues to build visionaries and entrepreneurial legends in product development, innovations and calling the customer choice first.

The Atlantic and the Pacific divide is still too wide and deep and the American freight corridors are still actively taking a larger pie of the global flow of goods and services.

English is the language that the world business understands better and best. And America has engaged English more craftily to tell the consumer what the next generation product or service would make your world better. 

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