I have no right to doubt or criticize Rahul Gandhi as the candidate of choice to head the Indian National Congress as it is a choice of the Congressmen.
I would reserve my rights to criticize him when he is in a position to drive the national policies.
As a citizen, I wonder though when the Rajput will burn without a genuine pride.
The freedom of India is not about going back to when India lost its freedom. In reality, there was no freedom before the various foreign invasion. The freedom to be the will of the people came in 1947. So the true freedom exists in shaping the way ahead for democracy. Not principally, or literally but really.
If the party that has been at the forefront of the majority of democratically elected governments in India, itself fears the right to elect its own leader, it is equally responsible for obstructing the path of the nation to evolve democratically.
As people, India may not get over the hangover of being ruled, or go beyond the wish to have a Master, or let the Monarchy stay as a history of the Rajput or other kingdoms. However, how will India change until it gets an opportunity to see democracy in practice at the leadership levels?
Congress must take that responsibility.
I do not expect the BJP to do so, as the BJP has failed to establish itself as a party that will represent the diverse interests of India. Not that the 'Rajput' in BJP has shied away. Oh! being in BJP even as just a member is taking the Lordship by the horn. Further, BJP is just a political representation of the RSS, whose goals are limited to imposing a Hindu India as a vengeance against Islamic Pakistan.
Congress may claim to govern better, or lead the socio-economic growth in India, or be expansive in its reach. At its core is just a political strategy. Not a democratic means.
One may argue why the BJP, the only other political party with a sizeable representation, as a democratic political party. Is it truly or really? The RSS signature, just as the Gandhi legacy helps the image fall apart. And the BJP is unlikely to change that as they too fear to lose the ground without the backbone of the RSS religion. Modi may have cried for India but he never willed to use the power of his mandate to reflect a change within the BJP. Instead, he was more willing to be the Lord of the party, the Government and the nation without upsetting its political foundation that is yet to rest at 11, Ashoka Road.
Is it harsh to assume that whereas the Congress limits its scope in the national interest, the BJP does the same by their compulsive addiction to Congress, RSS and Pakistan in the guise of national interest?
If people are left without genuinely democratic political choices, the war of ego between the Congress and the BJP will build further as political strategies, at the cost of national pride. And India will be denied its freedom.
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