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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

The Dream to be Indira in India

The Dream to be Indira in India 

Several political leaders in India would have lived a dream. The dream to be Indira Gandhi.

Indira Gandhi showed the power of being Supreme in India, using the Constitution to her advantage than being committed to it in its true sense.

Her own father Jawaharlal Nehru believed intensely in the rule of law and the Constitution as the final word in a democracy, and her predecessor, Lal Bahadur Shastri, a duty-bound Prime Minister, who perhaps knew to engage the systems towards a goal, rather than use the privilege of the seat to derive power.

Sure Indira Gandhi may have had her own dreams for India. Yet in managing her team of Ministers or the systems that she inherited, she pronounced her words as a Commandment of sorts. For her, the people around or the resources available were mostly for the purpose of directing them unquestionably. In return what she got was several 'yes men', even though she had a few among them well qualified as her best Counsels. She never, however, compromised on her authority.

She used the Constitution to cross over the boundaries of her position. Whether it was the media, the Judiciary, the Independently elected state Assemblies, she never considered it improper to impose her authority or intervene in their normal process. Leaders like her are always on the verge of converting a democracy into an autocracy. Particularly so in a country that may not be as disciplined, or its citizen law abiding. They create a need among 'some' to have a leader who is an autocrat than a champion of human freedom and liberty. When the sum of 'some' multiplies it suits both the leader and its constituencies.

However, the one reason why the Indian National Congress lost its values and stifle its able leaders is that Indira Gandhi helped that process of decline the most. She left competence questionable, authorities deprived of responsibilities and leaders turn into a moth.

Yet she is undoubtedly the most successful Prime Minister of India ever. Therefore the dream to be the Indira Gandhi is justifiable.

Narendra Modi may be absorbed in that dream. He may not, therefore, be able to see how it may impact the nation or its constituencies. At least so it appears.

Buying out opposition leaders, persuading institutions to adopt like-minded people, engaging the Council of Ministers in image making, influencing the system to second him.

I wonder if he is living the dream of being Indira. A dream of his own. Whether or not it is the Indian dream in reality.

India may have gone through such a change that millions do not flock to get a sight of their leader, but Mr Modi might want to see that happen.

Indians may have become more mature to see through the slogans and expect duty-bound deliveries from a Government, but Mr Modi wants slogans broadcast.

The Indian democracy may have become more broad-based with the Governments in the past, having learnt from intruding into the independence of its various functionaries, but Mr Modi wants one goal.

The Judiciary, the Media, the Executive may have all become more responsible individually in a more willing-to-listen administration, but Mr Modi wants more listeners.

Informal or formal social groups may have turned more vocal, but Mr Modi does not want voices.

The state broadcaster may have been turning into being a competitor with the private broadcasters, but Mr Modi wants them to air well.

Thankfully BJP is not a one-man party, so it has a better chance not to decline under Modi like the Congress did.

Think however about the Constitution, the Democracy and the Indian Executive Mr Modi will leave behind after it outlived the torture of a Supreme leader.

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