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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Beware Digital!

It's digital all the way.

Some may be at the leading edge of it. Some catching up faster and some may be waiting to move with it. But Digital is here as a medium, the means and the resource in everything that we do for work, leisure, learning, news, keeping in touch or reaching out.

A few things digital is corrupt. Its worse than virus that inflict your computer. It damages more than the system, its very essence.

Has Digital opened the doors for fraudsters?

Well, the medium does lend a very natural opportunity to cheat, mislead or fake. And the industry can be saved from building its spiralling perceptions, if the leaders see the maturity and be responsible.

Plugging hashtags in your posts that are out of context with your content or putting a product in a marketplace whose standards or quality is not verified is irresponsible. It will further stimulate the urge to cheat or fake.

Casting an unrealistic profile or painting a wrong perception about yourself, your skills or offers will rip you off all the cumulative good built over the years when you face the real. Once done, you wont correct that simpler. As it is digital, the damage travels just as fast.

I remember my days in advertising when the more established agencies would lay much emphasis on ethics. Ethics in not making the consumer believe what is falsely untrue about the product. The consumer will in the longer run use your product based on real experience. So you wont cheat if you wish to be for the long run. And if you collapse in the short run, there is no run for you ever! The best agency would research and dig into the product to find what is the best in it so uniquely that the consumer would preserve that as a lifetime experience.

Flirting with a much faster medium as digital is dangerous as dangerous can get. Digital captures. And captures for the longer run. If you are irresponsible to engage the digital to populate a view, an opinion or a trend as a crash landing, it will haunt you back soon when senses have recovered. As the err you make when captured over time can populate manifolds to call you a name you may not have wanted. Think about it. It is as dangerous.

I see many proverbial Digital Gurus engage various ideas or techie tricks to make you swell. It is their job. But that job is shabby and shady. In just a few years they would have gone as individuals but the brand you invested in for a lifetime will choke under a name gathered out of tricks.

I once bought a set of vests that looked as a bargain from a reliable online store that did not turn out to be any close to what they said. Returning that was a long protocol. Now I am cautious not to choose the unknown. But more than that, when I find an online store as good that does carry rubbish inventory, I will be the first one to log off my current reliable online.

As Digital is new, it will have its learning curve. Its leaders however will take that role not to engage the learning curve into traps that may turn into a grime of sorts.

If you push the Digital so hard into the whirlpool of its open doors to grab the wrong one, do not then complain that people seek testimonials for every offering on the net.

If that process begins, every opportunity one gets on digital will first run through tests against mistrust. And the opportunity to convert decisions fast, real time and almost instantaneously will be lost.

What if the research then proclaims that doing something without digital was faster, easier and more efficient? It will drown the very spirit of the age called Digital.

Beware Digital. You have a big way to go. Don't grab the pennies just yet! 

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