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Sometime in March, I began to question if Corona will change the way Behavourial Science scripts new chapters. Chapters that may change the ...

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

NaMo Namah should not be a Swaha!

Much like the Hindu ritual of an yagna that engages pounds of grains, fruits, nuts, sweets, coins and butter being fuelled in a small fire that ends up choking the child and the apartments in the modern era rather than purify anything but ashes, the NaMo Namah paranoia could end up being swaha, leaving behind piles of ash.

The NaMo Namah could end up as swaha if the Prime Minister does not recognise that there is an opportunity that struck him amidst the charade that was incensed by his Bhaktas. And that was just a vehicle. Its moment of reality is now in driving that position to pull back the notion of a nation demolished, than to fight the party war with the Congress vanquished.

Fighting a 44 seater Congress and a novice of the street AAP will invite wretched issues to deal with, as both want to fight harder, and their issues are age-old: aloo, daal, pyaaj and Pakistan. They may faint or gain, but they cannot take the advantage of the 325 seats away for another 40 months.

325 seats in the Indian Parliament is an invincible opportunity as the remaining represent varied and diverse groups driven divisively to an extent that almost every tribe is well represented. Its reality is that you are larger - much larger - amidst broken pieces. Therefore, there may be an opportunity to win them as diplomatically.

There is a lot that can be done for the economics of the nation with or without the parliamentary drama. If you are a pusher, you will see what you may push, you can push and you should push. That decision or choice will not require a Cabinet decision. However, will Modi let go his 'hatred'?

If the push must succeed the will to lift up beyond the past must be conceived. Let your Bhaktas perform chivalry, charade, theatrics and yagna for you. And let Mr Amit Shah do the promotional job for the party.

That story of fancy was played well to its theatric epitome by charadiers (sic). They faked the Modi maverick in Gujarat visually, articulately and defiantly. I remember I was in New York at that time and almost all Indians I met were so pumped up with the Gujarat mythology that they believed if a New York existed outside New York, it was Ahmedabad. I had a tough time showing them facts and figures to suggest that Gujarat was simply another state in India, and it has been consistent in developing trade and commerce ever since 1947 or even before. If Modi was a maverick, the state should have upset the Indian economic charts as most of India was still very poor. At best during the Modi tenure, the state had bettered its position from 16 to 14, or 3 to 2 or even 1, but it hadn't set a benchmark of sorts. And in any case, economic and social success does not need a magician. It needs able, agile craft and will.

(One fact says it all: Reserve Bank of India’s FDI figures encompassing the decade of 2000 to 2011 reveal that while Gujarat received just about $7.2 billion in FDI, Maharashtra got $45.8 billion and Delhi over $26 billion. Even Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, with a $8.3 billion and $7.3 billion share, got a larger piece of the national FDI pie. And Modi's International Trade Shows did not change that)

So, Modi might just acknowledge that the past was fanciful and the time is now to use skills, crafts and stature, more than any more charade. Elections 2014 simply justifies that India remains largely an illiterate society despite its people succeeding remarkably elsewhere, despite its passion for education, and despite the Internet age touching them.

So it is simpler to turn the disgust of the people into a fanciful Avatar. Sto blaming the past and glorify the unknown, unheard Genie. It is better told to the kid unable to build a way ahead. The story may rather be constructed by quietly, silently yet diligently attending to what may help turn 2019 much better. Let the charadeiers (sic) chant, perform or regale. You are yet to achieve.

Just as Nehru and Gandhi were made into larger-than-life epitomes, there would be people who want to dig them out of the ashes and burn them once again. It is better therefore to stay the size of the human.

In any which way you will have your critics. But you have an opportunity to push a few things aside so that what you push now makes a change visible.

You are in a position to make a change - your fight against corruption is a battle corollary to the main, as corruption is, as you said, deep, very deep. It has its deep roots into even the most saintly. There are several other areas of equal priority.

In reality, Digital India, Swachh India, Housing for all, Power for all, Education for all, the Girl Child precious are all campaigns - campaigns for a dream come true.

The reality is that Indian entrepreneurs must invest. They must invest in a stable and consistent economy. They must invest more and bigger. They must invest for a larger and deeper Indian exchequer. They must invest for more valuable employees.

There is a huge world market dreaming of the billion Indian consumers. Yet there are consumers outside India and the world over that the Indian entrepreneurs can drive home. Korea did not create LG, Samsung or Hyundai for Korea, Japan did not create Sony, Toyota and Toshiba for the Japanese. Yes, the smaller Indian brands could be happier with the larger Indian consumers. The bigger Indian entrepreneurs can bite into the bigger world market.

That is just an idea. But the reality of recognising the power of the entrepreneurs and pushing them into bigger leagues will not bring Congress or Aap as a block. The bania will see where the buck lies.

India's biggest pillar outside the four pillars of democracy is the traders and businessmen. They may err in carrying out their business, but their business supports people, families, children's education and the Exchequer. Their wheels must churn and churn faster and more. A Bania will always give you back even if they cheat a bit.

The pandit doesn't contribute. The pandit excites you to throw everything into the yagna, negotiating a price for drowning your own goods and leaves behind a dream!

The power of economics can give you an edge - an edge to resolve Kashmir, Pakistan, onions and land bills. And the power of economics cannot be seen from an India centric view. Indian business is for the globe and the world. Knitting and piecing it within the geography of India is nitpicking. If you can drive that worldwide, there will be lesser chances of India breeding corruption, India feeling cornered or India not turning competitive.

You are so good at pumping people. Pump up the entrepreneurs to venture out, compete, succeed.

You have relied upon the power of NRIs. Make more NRIs succeed as employment givers. Not takers. Let the Indian brands talk beyond India. Let the Indian business break barriers. They will return more accomplished and richer. Their offerings then will not be bribes but gratitude towards India.

If you have any better, roll out that story. But your story now should not churn another campaign! Mr Amit Shah is sizeable enough to do that.

(Readers, please NOTE that the references to the terms Banias and Pandits are in the context of the traditional professional practitioners, and in no way disrespects any community).

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