Does Gandhi exist in his land.
Einstein once said:
"Generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this Earth.” about Mahatma Gandhi.
In his own land Gandhi goes by fading in memory and vision of the emerging new generation. He is one to remembered, celebrated and holidayed once a year. More by compulsion for some who wish to drive home political mileage by feigning celebrations, fewer who believe that his ideals and missions must live and his birthday would be an occasion to revisit, fewer still who use his words to encourage their instincts, and some rare and extremely few for whom he is an unquestionable way of life.
His various missions, work and research that found innovative solutions to take India out of economic and social deprivation lay fallen as quotes.
There are very few who still practice his principles and methods to enable social development or economic growth, but they are so very few and scattered that their impact is limited; and in a world that celebrates other victories, such work is more ignored than seen or talked about. The beauty however is that those few people whether at 60, 80 or 100 are still committed and engaged, and happy with whatever impact their work has made among those around them, and they stay as sincere in their pursuit.
Largely India has failed Gandhi. The past 60 years appear as a regime that passionately wishes to prove that he is inconsequential. That his role was over the day India hurled its flag of freedom. The midnight that may be waiting to see the dawn yet is disinclined to include his mission in its agenda.
Gandhi had a vision for the disadvantaged, particularly for those who were engaged in cleaning or washing the public urinals, as they were not given the same human treatment as others. Modern India and its Governments have forgotten that mission. While the Government grants them special rights to seek education or get employment, yet that is secondary to the prime goal to win their votes. Certainly not engaged in a true disposition to help them come up in lives. As individuals, most Indians still believe in creating social barriers and in many ways they engage in promoting that. There would be labels - ranging from whether or not the person can speak English, to their educational or social backgrounds, to also include their referrals and closer affiliations.
Gandhi campaigned for human liberty. The Government of India in its sixty years has never quite consciously considered human beings beyond commodities of ingredients in their missions. Beating, burning, abusing or exploiting continues as an unchecked malaise.
Gandhi's passion for the rural sector, traditional artisans, farmers and those who supported the economic or social growth at the grassroots levels made him evolve a model called the Village Economy. He believed that was a unique and creative way for India to set a new model for economic liberalisation before the world. That however was dumped by his closest beloved Nehru in exchange for inducting an inadequate version of industrialisation by engaging Russia's redundant technologies. As India sees the global cry for water preservation, food security, sustainable development or inclusive growth, the will to revisit Gandhi's methodologies would be considered archaic. As against, the majority wisdom prevails in attending to the urgent requisitions by engaging the most readily available remedy.
Although several missions led by accomplished Indians gave India freedom from the British regime, it was Gandhi's innovative ways and practices that were recognised as the key to that accomplishment. However, the principles he followed and those that became a matter of admiration and celebration, now lay bare as carcass. His closest followers became Ministers or guardians of the nation. None ever took guard of his valuable methods or principles. Those few who did, however, were swept aside in the race for power - in most ways shifting the journey back towards anarchy, regimen, exploitative governance and remorse.
True freedom or liberty stays far away from a common Indian's life. As public servants, elected leaders or those in the Governing process are people to be feared. They must be saluted, and the citizen must be willing to make compromises for everything to please them or their demands.
Gandhi also considered arms and wars a wasteful engagement. He wanted a defence less border for India as an experiment with the higher truth. But India is tranquilised by meaningless animosities with its neighbourhood. Issues that are neither sensible at the regional level nor recognisable in the global diplomacy. Yet the pasion for making a trivial aplomb rides over reason or thinking.
So what is the relevance of Gandhi in the land he belongs? One can argue that he belonged to another time. Yet one can also argue that such legends have the foresight to tell a direction for many a centuries.
Is it then in hindsight we rever, or would we be willing to consider his foresight as the milestone for the future?
For over 40 years I have personally celebrated Gandhi for his will, commitment and the sacrifices he made to attain or live for the extraordinary; and also pursued some of his principles in personal and professional life. However, I cry as I see him becoming meaningless in the land that stops at garlanding his statue every year.
Is it wise to relate him to an age gone by? Or, would it be naive to consider his innovations with economic and social liberalisation archival in the 21st century? His political wisdom may be debatable or argued, yet his extraordinary skills in engaging public opinion, stimulating movement against the wrong, identifying innovative solutions to problems, engaging peace and companionship are exemplary and rare. They are immortal principles that live beyond time: today, tomorrow or whenever.
Nehru found his ideas utopian. Between utopian and genius perhaps lies innovation. In having the courage to see beyond your daily needs, one may be wiser to see how a new path may show an ingenious direction. Up against myriad issues and challenges, perhaps a genius idea amy resolve better than a relay of tried and tested methods that fail to break the big barrier.
If the man cannot walk in flesh and blood, can his thinking, principles or work not be a companion in the way ahead?
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