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Leadership Beyond Corona

Sometime in March, I began to question if Corona will change the way Behavourial Science scripts new chapters. Chapters that may change the ...

Friday, September 28, 2012

The World is beyond the economics of a Nation.

The World is beyond the economics of a Nation. 

The advanced, the emerging and the disadvantaged world are all so intensely engaged in the process of economic prosperity. Impassioned by a sense of urgency to achieve - achieve what? a few numbers?
What about the mindset of the people? the thought process of the new generation? the role of the citizen and people in the human advancement?

If the humanity does not advance, what can advanced technologies, advanced lifestyles or advanced societies attain?

The yardstick cannot stick to the game of numbers. Rather, the question to ask is if the people of the 21st century are more evolved in pursuing a greater world civilisation? Are the people of the 2012 more consciously engaged in the evolution of their communities, societies, their nation or the world at large.

How do you measure that? Well its model or its benchmarks can be researched, developed and followed. However, before one does that one ought to acknowledge its urgent consideration. If at the individual level, people would be conscious of the global challenges and work towards taking their role in helping their closer ecology attain that, why would challenges take such a monolithic shape or size.

Is that too plain a thinking?

From one crisis to another, from one urgency to another, from challenge to another, we continue to ignore the role of the citizen as an individual that in an enhanced role can make a difference to the world to an extent that no process or scientific methodology can deliver.

Human force is not a commodity as the natural resources, technologies, or  money. In fact if the natural capital, knowledge capital, money capital are the three key elements in economic prosperity, it is the human capital that plays the most critical role in not just attaining the economic benchmarks but also guiding or perhaps leading its direction.

It is in this context that the canvas that exists before the world and humanity ought to be nurtured. If that ought to be achieved, nurturing must as an art become the most vital human engagement at all levels.

If the markets must be reaped, that must be done with the larger vision to nurture its existence. If the resources - natural or manufactured - are engaged for the purpose of economic or social growth, that must be done with the goal to nurture its existence. If consumers must be attracted to buy,  they must first be nurtured to be conscious human being. And if a community must engage in its social growth, it must to do so to enable a more evolved next generation.

One can count innumerable engagements and initiatives for sustainable growth, inclusive governance, corporate social responsibility worldwide. However, if we take a closer look at their mission or goals, are they truly driven towards building the human capital as a leadership agent? Alas not, most processes of such engagements or initiatives is governed by the same principles as those that drive an economic mission, that is, to count the numbers.

Such a need to engage the children, the youth and the adults in the greater missions for the nations and the world cannot be held hostage any longer to other urgencies of the Governments or private enterprise.

If we are a wiser, evolved or more knowledgeable people of the 21st century, we ought to reflect that in the way we treat the world and its people, and the way in which we address its larger needs.

It is not a socialist viewpoint or a socialist thinking. I guess any intelligent human being considers their larger role and more evolved participation in the areas of their lives. How then would a human being not consider their engagement beyond their own homes and career? It requires nothing more than a little awareness and some consciousness.

If a citizen of the world begins to see that, they are likely to think before they consume, consider the social impact in a decision making process, and further lead a process that gives them greater joys in being the more evolved citizen.

The citizen then turn ambassadors of the communities they represent, cultures they represent, nations they belong to, and finally an ambassador of global evolvement.

Knowledge travels faster and when adopted delivers results beyond expectations. In an age that is driven by knowledge, I think the entire value chain of social growth, economic prosperity and managing  the challenges can see a paradigm shift.

Who would do that? It is those various institutions, organisations and Governments engaged in the social development process to take that extra mile to include the people as the leadership force in their engagements.

I am reminded of the street theaters in India where the spectators and the actors are not distinct entities.

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