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Friday, July 13, 2012

The Migratory Human being!

Why does the human in us want to migrate?

The trees and the plants grow upon the seed that is sown. They nurture their existence wherever they are with no mind that distracts them to what fruits or flowers they would bear. That depends on the environment they get and surrendered to that they evolve. Whatever the environment. A lotus does not seek the best of waters for it to blossom. Nor does the rose, or the bougainvillea.

In the wildlife, the birds sing or dance as a matter of their habit: audience or not. The Tiger wants to stay in its territory as a King, and so do most. They follow a natural process that is so less limited to its need for food or shelter. Food or shelter is more for their leisure, as their superior energy forces make them walk in grace, jump, run or swim. The deer does not seek one who admires their skin or the musk that they let out. More often they would be ignorant of what they give. Yet they are in a giving process.

The migratory birds or animals may take new territories, not necessarily for food or shelter, perhaps more as their nature.

The human being's want to dwell is so very natural. They would at the end of the day learn, earn or work for dwelling peacefully. Then why the passion to migrate from what they have in their hands. It is not so simple as to make better. If that were so, making better would not get the better of dwelling well and at peace.

It is as if an out of sense prevails over - to make dwelling well and at peace a crime or an offence. Is that because they evolve under pressure to work, perform, show or exhibit their best to the world. That could then be alike the innocence and tender of the bird that wants to sing and dance with nature. In which case that ought to be an engaging, passionate and devoted art that would seek no audience, nor what it gets in return. 

Oh humans, I say, have you thought that? Or, considered. Why you dance out of your homes? Or you urge to migrate to another level, so much as your passion. 

Where then do you dwell? and where to you migrate?

1 comment:

  1. Because humans are'thinking' animals. Because they have curiosity, and ambition,they seek out new environs, new exoeriences. They cannot be satisfied just with food and shelter.


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