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Monday, June 11, 2012

Family - a word in a World?

Family – the term intrigues me.

In a world that is expansive, what may have been the need for the divisive? Was that a way to channelize the energies of an individual towards a more purpose social good? In which case how would you define that purpose or the social good? Or, that a way to evoke an individual to bring out the finer qualities of love, compassion, togetherness with the view to see its larger advantages in accomplishing greater goals or purpose as a team. Or, it was  a necessity of time for cultural or civilisational evolution. Yet the purpose of every culture or civilisation is to go beyond the limited want, goals or aspirations for the larger good of the world or the society.

As I learn its etymology, I find that its context was to separate the gross or a minimal existence from a higher state of humanity.

c.1400, "servants of a household," from L. familia "family servants, domestics;" also "members of a household," including relatives and servants, from famulus"servant," of unknown origin. Ancestral sense is from early 15c.; "household" sense recorded in English from 1540s; main modern sense of "those connected by blood" (whether living together or not) is first attested 1660s. Replaced O.E. hiwscipe. As an adj. meaning "suitable for a family," by 1807. Buzzword family values first recorded 1966. Phrase in a family way "pregnant" is from 1796. Family circle is 1809; family man, one devoted to wife and children, is 1856 (earlier it meant "thief," 1788, from family in a slang sense of "the fraternity of thieves").

Confused entirely, I related that to how families exist today as a unit of the world or the universe.
In most cases, the world and its people are outsiders from the perspective of a family. A family may be inclined, driven or often obsessed with the want to compete, contest or cross others outside their own. It is a wonderful way to distribute world responsibility – nucleating the universal existence – its purpose, its goals and its evolution.

As I walk inside a family – there is further nucleation. A father is distinct, and so must be the mother, so must a child evolve as a distinct individual. In an evolved family, the child may grow to bring out their most natural skills, character or abilities. Not all are consciously evolved. In which case, the drive to strike the distinctive entity by imagination or imitation may turn a simpler addiction; that then leads to a person bewildered by their own. The greater game begins when that innocent being begins to identify themselves with their clothes, their hairstyle, their walk or their talk.

The limits go beyond:  My room, my cupboard, my desk, my TV show, my dish, my drink...

The love is frozen within the corridors of the apartment. Outside turns the peripheral.

Question if the family needs a rethink. Rethink in the mirror of a unique individual in this world of billions yet with their own distinctive look, eyes, nose, smile. Then why not their uniquely endowed talent, the skills, charisma and an evolved, cultivated role play? 

1 comment:

  1. The term Family has undergone metamorphosis in years but yet the core content remains the same-a place where all members are bonded with love and care.


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